Saturday, August 29, 2009

well, with the help of Tara I am able to enter the world of blogging.  Just wait until my friends hear about this, will they be impressed.  Hope they know what blogging is.  I have had such a fun few days, on Wednesday Deb came up and we went to Katelyn's soft ball game and on Thursday we had fun shopping-went over to Rod Works big sell. On Friday Kurt, Tara and Gavin came up to the baby Doctor for Tara- and for a  check up for Gavin with the Dr. that helped them with his ears.  Right know all seems to be well with them.  We had dinner at P F Changs and enjoyed it a lot.  On Saturday morning after I finally woke up we shopped and returned items and had lunch.  I enjoyed their visit so much.  That little Gavin is a sweetheart.  Want you all to know how much I enjoy your blogs, its a fun way to keep in touch.  Love you all.